Thursday, January 30, 2014


I want to give a power-point on sign language and its history.
The concern with my pitch has nothing to do with the pitch it's the actual speaking part I am worried about. I have practiced my pitch but still worried about speaking. I may practice over and over but it is a completely different situation when you are speaking with Ms. Weck watching. Also there is that fear of messing up while talking and it could make it look like you are not prepared. The confidence I have in my pitch is very high. I did not have any trouble making my pitch and I was able to answer the questions on the worksheet very easily. I believe that my information in my pitch will be perfect. I answered all the questions and feel that it will make a wonderful pitch.  

Thursday, January 23, 2014


So far the project is interesting and a little difficult. The fact that I am able to choose what I want to do for this project makes it so interesting. Being able to decide the subject I want study makes the project so interesting. Also the difficult part about the project is that I have never be in this contol.  I have never got to choose what I want to study and this is putting me out of my comfort zone. Not that many people know what Sign Language is. They know that it is the langauge in which people communicate but that is all they know. With is project i would plan to teach people more about this language so that they could learn more about it. and 100 first signs. and 7 things you should know about sign language.
I found the 100 first signs web site by serching for sign language basic signs. This will help better my project by teaching me the basic signs of sign language. I found the 7 things you should know about sign language by seaching up sign language rules.  With this website it can help my product my giving me rules about sign language. It has grammar rules and other rules that sign language has.